Galerie de Poche
7, ch. de Bénuyer, 1295 Tannay, Suisse, +41 798330682
Sakah Galerie
7, rue Croix-Baragnon, Toulouse (31), France, +33 5 62 17 62 23
Découvert Fine Art Gallery
73, Main Street, Rockport, Massachusetts, USA, +1 978 546-3350
2024 Participation as guest of honor at the "23e Rencontres de Création contemporaine" in Martigues (13), France ;
exposition of drawings and sculptures, from April 6 to 21
2023 Exposition of drawings and sculptures, "La Boutique", Mallemort (13), France
2016-2020 Permanent Artist at Galerie Ambre, Hôtel Radisson et Ambre Almadies, Dakar, Sénégal
2013-2020 Permanent Artist at Galerie Le Zèle des Anges, Lourmarin (84), France
2013-2018 Permanent Artist at Audrey Marty Gallery, Saint-Malo (35), France
2018 Milonga del Angel, Exposition of sculptures and sculptures, Nîmes, France
2018 Galerie de Poche, Exposition of sculptures and sculptures, Tannay, Suisse
2018 Exposition of drawings, Galerie Agora, in the “OFF”, expositions of the Biennial of Contemporary African Art, Dakar, Senegal
2015 Participation in « La Nuit des Galeries 2015», at Audrey Marty Gallery, Saint-Malo (35), France
2015 Foire d'Art Contemporain « Affordable Art Fair » Participation as Opper & Webb permanent artist Londres, UK
2015 Sakah Galerie Exposition of sculptures Toulouse (31), France
2015 Foire d'Art Contemporain « Art Up ! » Participation with Audrey Marty Gallery, Lille (59), Fance
2014 Montreux Art Gallery Forum « MAG » Participation in "Montreux Art Gallery" with Galerie de Poche, Montreux, Suisse
2014 Galerie de Poche, Exposition of sculptures, Tannay, Suisse
2013 Lavoir de Mougins, Solo-exposition of sculptures, Lavoir de Mougins (06), France
2013 Participation in « La Nuit des Galeries 2013 », at Audrey Marty Gallery,Saint-Malo (35), France
2013 Foire d'Art Contemporain « Lille Art Fair » Participation in the "Lille Art Fair 2013", with Audrey Marty Gallery, Lille, France
2012 Galerie Agora « pARTcours » Exposition of sculptures, in the first edition of "pARTcours", artistic journey in Dakar, Senegal
2009-2012 Permanent Artist at Galerie Les Ateliers d'Artistes, Lourmarin (84), France
2012 Exposition of drawings and sculptures, Galerie Agora, in the “OFF”, expositions of the Biennial of Contemporary African Art, Dakar, Senegal
2011 Participation in the 2011 Salon d'Automne, Paris
2011 Exposition of sculptures at the Moulin de Vernègues, Domaine de Pont-Royal, France
2010 Participation in the exposition “Les Voiles Latines du Sahara, patrimoine maritime du Parc National du Banc d’Arguin,” at the French Cultural Center of Nouakchott, Mauritania (ink and watercolor illustrations)
2010 Exposition of sculptures at the Galerie La Maison d'Artistes, in Baux de Provence, France
2010 Participation in the International Art Fair, Stuttgart-Sindelfingen, Germany, (sculptures and drawings)
2009 Exposition of sculptures on the grounds of the Perma-Trade plant, as part of its corporate philanthropy, Stuttgart, Germany
2009 Group exposition “Femmes, Fleurs et fruits autour de Dionysos” at the Tour d’Aigues Château, France
2009 Participation by invitation in the “8e Salon de l’aquarelle” (8th Watercolor Salon) organized by the Ocre Jaune Galerie, Cucuron, France
2009 Collective exposition of scultptures, “L'Art qui cache la forêt,” organized by the Thalia Association of Arts and Cultures, in Pignans, France
2009 Exposition individuelle de dessins et sculptures à la galerie Ocre Jaune de Cucuron (84), France
2009 Exposition of sculptures and drawings at the Optik Futterknecht Center, Stuttgart, Germany
2009 Participation in the International Art Fair, Stuttgart-Sindelfingen, Germany (sculptures and drawings)
2008 Participation in the “Babylon” exposition, Congress Center of Sindelfingen, Germany (sculptures)
2008 Participation in the Grand Marché d'Art Contemporain (Contemporary Art Fair) of Chatou, France
2008 Participation in the “Première Rencontre Multi-culturelle Transatlantique de Porto Madeira,” Santiago Island, Cap Verde
2008 Participation in the Salon Méditerranéen d'Art Contemporain (Sm'Art; Mediterranean Contemporary Art Salon), Aix-en-Provence, France (sculptures and drawings)
2007 Collective exposition; drawings and sculptures, Galerie Agora, Dakar, Senegal
2006 Exposition of drawings and sculptures, Galerie Arte, in the “OFF” expositions of the Biennial of Contemporary African Art, Dakar, Senegal
2005 Exposition of drawings done in The Cape Verde Islands for WWF (World Wilde Fund for Nature), during the World Earth Day, in Dakar, Senegal
2004 Exposition of drawings done in Mauritania for FIBA (Fondation Internationale pour le Banc d'Arguin), in partnership with WWF, at the French Cultural Center of Dakar, Senegal
2004 Exposition of drawings and sculptures, Galerie Agora, in the “OFF” expositions of the Biennial of Contemporary African Art, Dakar, Senegal
2004 Exposition of drawings done in Mauritania for FIBA, in partnership with WWF, at the French Cultural Center of Nouakchott, Mauritania
2003 Exposition of drawings, paintings and sculptures, Galerie Agora, Dakar Senegal
1987-2000 Graphic designer and computer graphics specialist in various communications, IT and industrial-design firms, in France; then freelance in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
2005 Winner of the "2005 Fellowship for Young Sculptors" from the Barthélémy Art Foundry, Crest (26), France
2023-... Modeling workshops facilitation classes in France
2016-2017 Modeling workshops facilitation and drawing classes in France and Senegal
1985-1987 Drawing instructor, middle school